淋雨防水试验观察结果的好办法淋雨防水试验观察结果的好方法 淋雨防水试验的水箱用水及试样,除了水中添加萤光剂之外,还可以在试样里面放试纸,以方便观察其结果。另外,喷水结束后不要马上取出试样,...
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电池最新决议 [PD...
PDSH 1037A:系列电池测试样品的选择。问题:在同一制造商生产的具有相同尺寸、化学性质、电压但容量不同的一系列电池中,如果要验证整个系列的安全合规性,应选择哪些型号进行测试?以一系列镍氢电池作为...
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IEC 62368的...
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DSH 538/53...
DSH 538Subject: LASER STANDARDQuestion:Is it acceptable, as an alternative, to use the latest versio...
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DSH 729/73...
DSH 729Subject: Temperature limit of main enclosure over heat sinkQuestion:Can the 65 ° K temperatur...
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DSH 525/54...
DSH 525Subject: Applied force for internal partsQuestion:In clause 13.2, it is specified that 2N for...
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DSH 557/55...
DSH 557Subject: Products employing plug-in laser transceiversQuestion:For equipment intended for use...
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DSH 540/54...
DSH 540Subject: Parts likely to be held or touched during normal use on a portable (laptop) computer...